
Showing posts from June, 2024

Active learning: How to accelerate AI model training

  Active learning: How to accelerate AI model training Let’s face it: training an AI model isn’t much fun. Imagine you were training an intern who’d just joined your company. This intern is extremely bright and can work at lightning speed for 24 hours a day without any breaks. This should be a dream come true, right? Except, they don’t know a thing about your business. They can’t tell the difference between a ‘thank you’ email and an urgent customer complaint. They have zero common sense and get even the most basic things wrong. Anyone who’s ever started training an AI model for their business can probably relate to this example. The good news is that AI can be trained to understand your business accurately and carry out your most important processes. But it takes time and effort, and, usually, lots of data annotation. Let’s face it: training an AI model isn’t much fun. Imagine you were training an intern who’d just joined your company. This intern is extremely bright and can work at l